Meeting the Heroes Supporting the Biodiversity and Wildlife of Boriken

During our recent visit to the Centro de Conservación de Manatíes del Caribe, we had the privilege of meeting some amazing animals in need of care, including manatees, two sea turtles, and local birds. These creatures had been injured due to human activities such as construction, vacationers on jet skis, and poaching, and were in the process of rehabilitation. While some will eventually return to the wild, others, due to severe injuries, will remain in the center’s care for the rest of their lives.
During our visit, we had the opportunity to examine bones and specimens to learn about their anatomy and rehabilitation processes. We also took a peek at their lab, where the team works diligently to maintain the animals’ health. It's important to note that the center is not a petting zoo—they have strict rules to ensure the animals are comfortable and safe.
The center was founded in 2009 as an alliance between the Caribbean Stranding Network and the Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico. It operates under federal and state permits, rescuing and rehabilitating not only manatees but also dolphins, whales, seals, sea turtles, and pelicans across the Caribbean. The dedicated staff and volunteers work tirelessly to restore these animals to health.
Manatees play a crucial role in maintaining Boriken's marine ecosystems and are part of our cultural identity as Indigenous peoples. For our ancestors, the manatee is a sacred animal whose meat fed our communities, and whose bones became essential instruments and tools as the spatula pictured here. Boriken even has a town named after them, and its name is rooted in Caribbean indigenous languages. The manatee remains a federally endangered species, so protecting manatees, particularly in regions like Boriken, helps safeguard our island's biodiversity and sustain the balance of marine life.
Looking ahead, the center will be releasing four juvenile manatees back into the wild later this year, an event we’re excited to follow! We encourage readers to support the center through donations or volunteering so you can support their important conservation efforts.
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The Centro de Conservación de Manatíes del Caribe is dedicated to the conservation of endangered manatees and other marine species across the Caribbean. Through programs of rescue, rehabilitation, research, and community outreach, they work tirelessly to protect and preserve marine life in Puerto Rico.